Central Drugs Standard Control Organization

Directorate General of Health Services
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Government of India

Central Drugs Laboratory(Kolkata)

Central Drugs Laboratory (CDL) Kolkata

The Central Drugs Laboratory, Kolkata is the national statutory laboratory of the Government of India for quality control of Drug and Cosmetics and is established under the Indian Drug & Cosmetics Act, 1940. It is the oldest quality control laboratory of the Drug Control Authorities in India. It functions under the administrative control of the Director-General of Health Services in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

The functions of the Laboratory include:

Statutory Functions:

(a) Analytical quality control of majority of the imported Drug available in Indian market.
(b) Analytical quality control of drug and cosmetics manufactured within the country on behalf of the Central and State Drug Controller Administrations.
(c) Acting as an Appellate authority in matters of disputes relating to quality of Drug. II. Other Funtions:
(a) Collection, storage and distribution of International Standard International Reference Preparations of Drug and Pharmaceutical Substances.
(b) Preparation of National Reference Standards and maintenance of such Standards. Maintenance of microbial cultures useful in drug analysis Distribution of Standards and cultures to State Quality Control Laboratories and drug manufacturing establishments.
(c) Training of Drug Analysts deputed by State Drug Control Laboratories and other Institutions.
(d) Training of World Health Organisation Fellows from abroad on modern methods of Drug Analysis.
(e) To advise the Central Drug Control Administration in respect of quality and toxicity of drug awaiting licence.
(f) To work out analytical specifications for preparation of Monographs for the Indian Pharmacopoeia and the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India.
(g) To undertake analytical research on standardisation and methodology of Drug and cosmetics.
(h) Analysis of Cosmetics received as survey samples from Central Drug Standard Control Organisation.
(i) Quick analysis of life saving Drug on an All-India basis received under National Survey of Quality of Essential Drug Programme from Zonal Offices of Central Drug Standard Control Organisation. In addition to the above functions the Central Drug Laboratory also actively collaborates with the World Health Organisation in the preparation of International Standards and Specifications for International Pharmacopoeia. It also undertakes collaborative study on behalf of the Indian Pharmacopoeia Committee. The senior Officers of the Laboratory have been appointed as Government Analysts on behalf of most of the States of the Union for analysis of drug samples.

Director I/c


Dr. Saroj Kumar Ghosh



Central Drugs Laboratory, 3, Kyd Street, Kolkata- 700 016.



033 -22299380










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