DTAB-DCC Division

This division deals with organizing and convening meetings of ‘Drugs Technical Advisory
Board (DTAB)’ and ‘Drugs Consultative Committee (DCC)’. The recommendations of
DTAB and DCC on the matters rose out of administration of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act
and Rules thereunder shall be done by amending the relevant particulars of the Drugs and
Cosmetics Act and Rules thereunder.

1. Co-ordinate the DTAB meetings under the Chairmanship of Director General of Health
Services (DGHS) to advise the Central Government and the State Governments on
technical matters arising out of the administration of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940
and to carry out the other functions assigned to it by this Act.
2. Co-ordinate the DCC meetings under the Chairmanship of Drugs Controller General
(India) to advise the Central Government, the State Governments and DTAB on any other
matter tending to secure uniformity throughout India in the administration of the Drugs
and Cosmetics Act, 1940.
3. Initiate the amendments in the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 as per the
recommendations of DTAB and co-ordinate with Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
(MOHFW) for draft and final Gazette Notifications.
4. Examination, compilation and consideration of comments/suggestions/objections
received with respect to draft Gazette Notifications / Public Notices / Circulars etc.
5. Co-ordinate the constitution of sub-committees recommended in DTAB and DCC
meetings and further follow-up for their reports.
6. Co-ordinate the stake holders meetings with respect to amendments of Drugs and
Cosmetics Rules, as per recommendations from MOHFW whenever required.
7. Prepare minutes of DTAB and DCC meetings and upload on CDSCO website for
stakeholders/public reference.
8. Processing of representations/RTIs/Public Grievances with respect to Drugs and
Cosmetics Act and Rules thereunder

1. The Chairman of the Board shall fix the date, time and place of every meeting of the
Board, provided that the Board shall meet at least once every calendar year.
2. The Chairman of the Board shall, when present, preside all the meetings of the Board. If
the Chairman is not present in any meeting, the members present shall select from
amongst themselves a person to preside as Chairman at such meeting.
3. Seven member of the Board present in person shall constitute a quorum.
4. (i) Not less than 35 clear days’ notice of every meeting shall be given to each member of
the Board, provided that the Chairman:-
(a) may call, after giving not less than 15 clear days’ notice to the members of the
Board, a special meeting at any time to deal with any urgent matter requiring the
attention of the Board;
(b) shall call, after giving not less than 15 clear days’ notice to the members of the
Board, a special meeting within one month of the receipts of a requisition in
writing signed by not less than seven members and stating the purpose, being a
purpose within the scope of the Board’s functions for which they desire the
meeting to be called.
(ii) The notices shall be dispatched to the latest address given to the Secretary by the
members of the Board.
5. Any member desirous of moving any resolution at a meeting of the Board shall give
notice, thereof in writing to the Secretary not less than 15 days before the date of such
meeting, provided that in the case of a special meeting the notice will not be less than 5
6. Each member of the Board shall have one vote, and if there shall be an equality of votes
on any question to be decided, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
7. Any business, which it may be necessary for the Board to discuss and decide except such
as the Chairman may direct to be transacted by circulation among all members of the
Board shall be placed at a meeting of the Board. If three or more members express, in
writing, a desire that any particular subject shall be discussed at a meeting instead of
being decided by circulation it shall be placed before a meeting of the Board.
8. Any resolution or report which is circulated on the direction of the Board or by the
Chairman under Bye-Laws 7, and approved by a majority of the members signing shall be
as binding as a resolution voted in a meeting of the Board, provided that at least nine
members of the Board shall have recorded their views on the resolution in support.
9. Proceedings of each meeting, duly approved by the Chairman, shall be forwarded to the
members of the Board for their approval or comments within 35 days of the date on
which the meeting was held.
10. The quorum for a sub-committee appointed by the Board shall be determined at the time
of the appointment of the sub-committee and shall not be less than a majority of the
members appointed.
11. The Chairman and the Secretary of the Sub-committee shall be appointed by the Board at
the time of the appointment of the sub-committee.

S.no Title Release Date Download Pdf Pdf Size
S.no Title Release Date Download Pdf Pdf Size
1 37th DTAB held on 31.12.1981 12/31/1981 265 KB
2 38th DTAB held on 24.12.1982 12/24/1982 222 KB
3 39th DTAB held on 19.12.1984 12/19/1984 233 KB
4 46th DTAB held on 01.12.1997 12/01/1997 255 KB
5 81st DTAB held on 29.11.2018 11/29/2018 637 KB
6 65th DTAB held on 25.11.2013 11/25/2013 171 KB
7 74th DTAB held on 15.11.2016 11/15/2016 379 KB
8 58th DTAB held on 09.11.2009 11/09/2009 154 KB
9 87th DTAB held on 08.11..2021 11/08/2021 120 KB
10 1st DTAB held on 02.11.1942 & 03.11.1942 11/02/1942 5432 KB
11 5th DTAB held on 29.10.1946 10/29/1946 7039 KB
12 47th DTAB held on 27.10.1998 10/27/1998 241 KB
13 15th DTAB held on 19.10.1954 10/19/1954 8131 KB
14 88th DTAB held on 26.09.2022 10/12/2022 77 KB
15 60th DTAB held on 10.10.2011 10/10/2011 230 KB
16 13th DTAB held on 07.10.1952 & 08.10.1952 10/07/1952 22494 KB
17 36th DTAB held on 04.10.1980 10/04/1980 237 KB
18 91st DTAB held on 14.08.2024 09/19/2024 1093 KB
19 84th DTAB held on 27.08.2019 08/27/2019 402 KB
20 70th DTAB held on 18.08.2015 08/18/2015 577 KB
21 12th DTAB held on 17.08.1951 & 18.08.1951 08/18/1951 14561 KB
22 83rd DTAB held on 11.06.2019 08/16/2019 481 KB
23 54th DTAB held on 02.08.2005 08/02/2005 659 KB
24 73rd DTAB held on 01.08.2016 08/01/2016 261 KB
25 85th DTAB held on 29.07.2020 07/29/2020 609 KB
26 80th DTAB held on 25.07.2018 07/25/2018 499 KB
27 61st DTAB held on 24.07.2012 07/24/2012 109 KB
28 18th DTAB held on 23.07.1957 07/23/1957 36463 KB
29 64th DTAB held on 19.07.2013 07/19/2013 99 KB
30 48th DTAB held on 08.07.1999 07/08/1999 251 KB
31 55th DTAB held on 06.07.2007 07/06/2007 430 KB
32 72nd DTAB held on 27.06.2016 06/27/2016 280 KB
33 59th DTAB held on 24.06.2011 06/24/2011 87 KB
34 50th DTAB held on 21.06.2001 06/21/2001 230 KB
35 77th DTAB held on 16.06.2017 06/16/2017 243 KB
36 79th DTAB held on 16.05.2018 05/16/2018 405 KB
37 63rd DTAB held on 16.05.2013 05/16/2013 101 KB
38 71st DTAB held on 13.05.2016 05/13/2016 515 KB
39 89th DTAB held on 10.05.2023 05/10/2023 852 KB
40 69th DTAB held on 22.04.2015 04/22/2015 152 KB
41 40th DTAB held on 22.04.1988 04/22/1988 242 KB
42 4th DTAB held on 15.04.1946 & 16.04.1946 04/15/1946 12079 KB
43 86th DTAB held on 13.04.2021 04/13/2021 314 KB
44 51st DTAB held on 11.04.2002 04/11/2004 296 KB
45 52nd DTAB held on 10.04.2003 04/10/2003 178 KB
46 82nd DTAB held on 02.04.2019 04/02/2019 585 KB
47 67th DTAB held on 01.04.2014 04/01/2014 56 KB
48 43rd DTAB held on 29.03.1993 03/29/1993 252 KB
49 2nd DTAB held on 14.03.1944 03/14/1944 6205 KB
50 53rd DTAB held on 11.03.2004 03/11/2004 337 KB
51 41st DTAB held on 09.03.1990 03/09/1990 244 KB
52 11th DTAB held on 08.05.1950 & 09.05.1950 03/08/1950 12721 KB
53 90th DTAB held on 25.01.2024 03/05/2024 1264 KB
54 6th DTAB held on 25.02.1947 02/25/1947 7485 KB
55 57th DTAB held on 23.02.2009 02/23/2009 446 KB
56 49th DTAB meeting 17.02.2000 02/17/2000 150 KB
57 68th DTAB held on 16.02.2015 02/16/2015 1978 KB
58 78th DTAB held on 12.02.2018 02/12/2018 321 KB
59 3rd DTAB held on 23.01.1945 & 26.01.1945 02/06/1945 11995 KB
60 45th DTAB held on 01.02.1996 02/01/1996 286 KB
61 76th DTAB held on 31.01.2017 01/31/2017 185 KB
62 62nd DTAB held on 30.01.2013 01/30/2013 50 KB
63 42nd DTAB held on 22.01.1992 01/22/1992 225 KB
64 7th DTAB held on 19.01.1948 & 20.01.1948 01/19/1948 24720 KB
65 66th DTAB held on 16.01.2014 01/16/2014 93 KB
66 56th DTAB held on 16.01.2008 01/16/2008 390 KB
67 44th DTAB held on 10.01.1994 01/10/1994 286 KB
68 75th DTAB held on 03.01.2017 01/03/2017 288 KB
69 86th DTAB held on 13.04.2021 314 KB
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1 13th DCC held on 26.12.1969 & 27.12.1969 12/26/1969 1441 KB
2 37th DCC held on 18th & 19th Dec, 2006 12/18/2006 483 KB
3 39th DCC held on 10th Dec, 2008 12/10/2008 675 KB
4 16th DCC held on 28.11.1972 & 29.11.1972 11/29/1972 1283 KB
5 43rd DCC held on 14th Nov, 2011 11/14/2011 244 KB
6 46th DCC held on 12th & 13th Nov, 2013 11/13/2013 399 KB
7 21st DCC held on 08.11.1979 & 09.11.1979 11/09/1979 985 KB
8 50th DCC held on 4th & 5th Nov, 2016 11/04/2016 511 KB
9 41st DCC held on 28th Oct, 2010 10/28/2010 261 KB
10 49th DCC held on 16th Oct, 2015 10/16/2015 381 KB
11 62nd DCC held on 26.09.2023 09/26/2023 433 KB
12 32nd DCC held on 22.09.1998 & 23.09.1998 09/23/1998 22576 KB
13 52nd DCC held on 18th Sep, 2017 09/18/2017 347 KB
14 26th DCC held on 14.09.1989 & 15.09.1989 09/15/1989 21131 KB
15 23rd DCC held on 14.09.1982 & 15.09.1982 09/15/1982 616 KB
16 25th DCC held on 10.09.1987 & 11.09.1987 09/11/1987 900 KB
17 57th DCC held on 20 August 2019 09/10/2019 401 KB
18 30th DCC held on 06.09.1995 & 07.09.1995 09/07/1995 24319 KB
19 33rd DCC held on 30.08.2000 & 31.08.2000 08/31/2000 21021 KB
20 31st DCC held on 21.08.1997 & 22.08.1997 08/22/1997 19535 KB
21 12th DCC held on 19.09.1968 & 20.09.1968 08/09/1968 1718 KB
22 64th DCC held on 19.06.2024 07/30/2024 541 KB
23 54th DCC held on 30th Jul, 2018 07/30/2018 355 KB
24 47th DCC held on 30th & 31st Jul, 2014 07/30/2014 568 KB
25 48th DCC held on 24th Jul, 2015 07/24/2015 1008 KB
26 44th DCC held on 20th Jul, 2012 07/20/2012 301 KB
27 28th DCC held on 16.07.1992 & 17.07.1992 07/17/1992 16175 KB
28 58th DCC held on 14th July 2020 07/14/2020 275 KB
29 22nd DCC held on 09.07.1981 & 10.07.1981 07/10/1981 820 KB
30 20th DCC held on 04.07.1978 & 05.07.1978 07/05/1978 1562 KB
31 40th DCC held on 29th Jun, 2009 06/29/2009 486 KB
32 36th DCC held on 23.06.2005 & 24.06.2005 06/24/2005 455 KB
33 51st DCC held on 9th Jun, 2017 06/09/2017 240 KB
34 38th DCC held on 4th Jun, 2007 06/04/2007 389 KB
35 61st DCC held on 01.06.2023 06/01/2023 407 KB
36 56th DCC held on 01st June 2019 06/01/2019 263 KB
37 35th DCC held on 29.04.2004 & 30.04.2004 04/30/2004 45626 KB
38 19th DCC held on 12.04.1976 & 13.04.1976 04/13/1976 1232 KB
39 53rd DCC held on 9th Apr, 2018 04/09/2018 474 KB
40 34th DCC held on 08.04.2002 & 09.04.2002 04/09/2002 23206 KB
41 60th DCC held on 7th April 2021 04/07/2021 369 KB
42 15th DCC held on 09.03.1972 & 10.03.1972 03/10/1972 1017 KB
43 59th DCC held on 2nd March 2021 03/02/2021 236 KB
44 55th DCC held on 31.01.2019 and 01.02.2019 02/20/2019 4482 KB
45 42nd DCC held on 15th Feb, 2011 02/15/2011 178 KB
46 63rd DCC held on 30.01.2024 02/14/2024 577 KB
47 14th DCC held on 08.02.1971 & 09.02.1971 02/09/1971 758 KB
48 18th DCC held on 06.02.1975 & 07.02.1975 02/07/1975 802 KB
49 45th DCC held on 4th & 5th Feb, 2013 02/04/2013 277 KB
50 27th DCC held on 31.01.1991 & 01.02.1991 02/01/1991 17389 KB
51 17th DCC held on 24.01.1974 & 25.01.1974 01/26/1974 1099 KB
52 24th DCC held on 08.01.1985 & 09.01.1985 01/10/1985 558 KB
53 29th DCC held on 06.01.1994 & 07.01.1994 01/07/1994 23476 KB
S.no Title Release Date Download Pdf Pdf Size